Integumentary System

Integumentary System
The integumentary system is basically your skin. Your skin is a major part of you body is like your shell. your skin  protects you internal body from your external disruption and microorganism ,also reacts quick to the environment. Skin is the largest organ on the body. The skin against injury, helped control temperature, prevent dehydration, helps excrete waste, and receives stimuli. Most important function is it protects from infection.

Epidermis: The epidermis is the outer layer of skin. Top layer of epidermis is filled with dead cells and the inner epidermis is completely opposite inner epidermis has living cells. The epidermis contains melanocytes, melanocytes contain small molecules called melanin which absorbs UV radiation and protect us from harmful rays of the sun by having different skin colors. The end of the nerves extend into the epidermis unlike blood vessels which are not present in the epidermis.

Dermis: The Dermis is the inner layer of our skin. Unlike the epidermis the dermis has blood vessels and also the nerves ending. they have one of the five senses reactant every time there is a touch contact. The Dermis is held in by the smooth muscles and contains; hairs, nails, and sweet and oil glands.

Hypodermis: The hypodermis is the lower-most layer of the skin or integumentary system. Plants have a hypodermis as well that secretes the cuticle and are immediately after the epidermis layer.
The hypodermis is beneath dermis which is beneath epidermis. It is used mainly for storage of fats.

Sweat glands: The sweat glands are small structures of the skin that produces sweat. There one main types of sweat glands; it is primarily used for cooling. Cooling is a way to maintain temperature and to continue homeostasis.

Sebaceous gland: The sebaceous gland are tiny microscopic glands in the skin the release an oily waxy matter to water skin and hair of all mammals. In the human they are found for great importance on the face and the scalp. In the eyes there are sebaceous glands that excrete tears from the eyes. there are several medical condition such as acne that are because of sebaceous glands.

Hair Follicle: A hair follicle is  basically a hair . At the base of the hair follicle are sensory nerve wraps around each ending of a hair . Bending the hair stimulates the nerve endings allowing a person to feel that the hair has been moved. One of the main functions of hair is the sensory stimuli touch . Sebaceous glands are also associated with each hair follicle that produce an oily secretion to help condition the hair and surrounding skin. The skin also helps in cold temperature as a warm fur that is on a bear. Your hair also helps to maintain homeostasis.
Nerves: Nerves detect external stimuli such as touch, pressure, pain and temperature. These nerves are mainly located in the dermis and some reach the epidermis. These nerves help maintain homeostasis and send messages from all the stimuli listed above. Then and lastly these nerves send messages tot he brain.

Pores: Skin pores are tiny holes in the skin, that allow sweat and oil to be released on the surface of the skin. they can been seen and some cannot and they also help the body maintain homeostasis.

Muscles: the muscles that are involved in the integumentary system is a smooth muscles. Smooth muscled help protect an hold our digestive system and more. the muscles are connected without skin as our skin senses stimuli our muscles go correspondent to the stimuli.

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